The Shapeless Unease,
by Samantha Harvey
A bad night of sleep can lead to a bad morning. A bad year of sleep can unstitch your whole life. Insomnia can be a sinister bedfellow. It can creep insidiously into everything. It can erode and corrode your everyday being, turning every colour, every sound, every smell, into something monotonous, into a greyish hue. This is what happened to Samantha Harvey […] See more >>

The Lonely Londoners,
by Sam Selvon
In the wake of recent protests spurred on by the death of George Floyd, societies round the world have been looking more closely at their own histories of racial discrimination, thinking about the role which racial structures have played in the development of Western nations. Sam Selvon’s The Lonely Londoners is useful in this regard, looking at the UK’s own history of racial discrimination […] See more >>

The Offing,
by Benjamin Myers
A midsummer melody of a book, Benjamin Myers’ The Offing is filled with the freedom and wonder of youth. It details the story of young Robert, a sixteen year-old lad from County Durham, who decides one summer to walk out his village, and wander across the fields of northern England, to drink “in greedy gulps” the nectar of nature, as the countryside blossoms and blooms up around him […] See more >>